Tidskojan (Time hut)

A spherical building can bring to mind an igloo. The surface has been joined together by polygonal facets in stainless steel that create angular shapes but as a composite create a rounding upwards. Six high entrances without doors are located at regular intervals around the building. Through these it can be seen that the building has wooden floors. A long low wooden staircase leads to each entrance. Between the entrances, there is a window halfway up the wall around the structure. The building shines in sunlight.

A round building with different sheet metal windows as shells. There are several openings where you can enter the wooden trolley.

A new artwork has landed at a preschool in Lillån this week.
Time Hut, by Jens Evaldsson, is an interactive sculpture, both playground and educational tool, that touches on questions about our relationship to nature, now and in the future.

The sculpture is constructed in the shape of a geometric dome in stainless steel with a twelve-sided base relating to the clock and our time on Earth.
The work can function as a vehicle for both body and mind, and is built to cope with nearly any possible contingency in the event of a climate crisis. It can float and withstand frost, radioactivity, fire and burglary attempts. Inside the dome are different types of locked ‘safe deposit boxes’ which are full of information, seed capsules and survival equipment for a future generation.

Through the years, the children at the preschool will fill their own vaults with messages to their future selves and an opening ceremony is planned for 2045.

Time Hut offers a place for play, a shelter from cold, rain and wind, and a sanctuary where we can sit and watch the sunset or the stars, plant seeds and learn about our role in the world.

Just imagine if we were to really dig in and become planet protectors?
Jens Evaldsson was born in 1975 and studied at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm.

Konstverk: Tidskojan (Time hut)

Konstnär: Jens Evaldsson

År: 2020

Material: Stainless steel, aluminium

Placering: Lillåns förskolas gård, Klockarängsvägen 13

Ägare: Örebro Municipality

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